
For more detail, please see:
Resume and teaching reviews
Academic CV
Teaching Portfolio 
Selected works artistic portfolio

I am an artist, cyborg, and educator currently based in Montreal. I have a bachelors from Concordia University, a masters from OCAD University, and currently I am a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto. I am interested in lasers, technology, outer space exploration, and building whimsical robots. Currently, I run community initiative and partnerships at the Milieux Institute at Concordia and recently finished a year long residency as Artist in Residence at the department of Design and Computation Arts at Concordia

I am Summit Chair and board member at the Open Source hardware Association, co-executive director at Little Dada, and secretary and board member at Ada X. You may know me from co-organizing events like Make Change Conference , Make Friends MeetupLong Exposure FestivalStupid Shit Hackathon TorontoDefcon Biohacking Village, or from being director at Site 3 coLaboratory.  I’ve worked with companies such as hackaday.ioSupplyFrameHardware, Sheertex. I am an occasional part time faculty member at OCAD University, Ryerson University, and Sheridan College where I teach electronics, programming, and wearable tech. I work with clients like informal and Alpenglow Industries to grow their communities, and co-chair the Digital Naturalism Conference. I teach electronics classes at places like inter/access and School of Machines, Making, and Make believe. Primarily, my artistic work is concerned with bodies and space, academically, I am researching bodily politics in outer space exploration.

I’m interested in all kinds of collaborations, so feel free to email me!



Selected Collaborators